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Thousands of School Strikers Sit-Down In Solidarity in almost 60 Locations Across Australia

#ThisIsClimateChange Sit-Down Strikes fundraised thousands of dollars for the bushfires, heard from those on the frontlines and demanded action: more support to manage fires and real action to tackle the climate crisis: 1. no new fossil fuels, 2. 100% renewables, 3. funding for a just transition.

TODAY Friday November 29, thousands of students around the country walked out of school in capital cities and country towns across almost 60 locations to hold sit-down strikes outside politicians’ offices, in response to the bushfires tragically gripping the country.The national day of action was pulled together in the space of just 10 days.


Participants heard from bushfire survivors and First Nations leaders, raised thousands of dollars for the Bushfire Appeal. They also called on all politicians to increase support for Indigenous land management and the Rural Fire Service and take real climate action:

1. No new coal, oil and gas projects, including Adani’s mega coal mine.

2. 100% renewable energy and exports by 2030

3. Funding for a just transition and jobs for fossil fuel workers and communities

School Strike leader and Nymboida local who lost her home to the bushfires, Shiann Broderick, who spoke at the Sydney Sit-Down, said:

“Our Government’s inaction on the climate crisis has supercharged bushfires. People are hurting. Communities like ours are being devastated. Summer hasn’t even begun. 

“But instead of taking real action on the climate crisis, our Government offers ‘thoughts, prayers’ - and more support for coal, oil and gas. 

“Scott Morrison says students belong in school. But the impacts of the climate crisis are preventing many of us from attending.

“This is a climate crisis. Act like it.”

Background: School Strike 4 Climate Australia is a decentralised, grassroots movement, comprised of teenagers from across the country, united in our fight for climate action and justice.

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