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Students travel to Canberra to ask for meeting with Scott Morrison after he condemns their strike

Tuesday 4th December: Tomorrow, students will strike from school and travel to Canberra to demand a meeting with the Prime Minister, who last week condemned their national school strike for climate action and is ignoring their requests to meet.

The school strikers are calling on all politicians to stop Adani’s coal mine and urgently move Australia beyond coal and gas to 100% renewable energy.

Students from Scott Morrison’s electorate asked for a meeting with the Prime Minister early last week but have been met with silence. Tomorrow students will be in Canberra to ask the PM to meet with them at Parliament House.

School strikers will hold a press conference outside Parliament House with signs and banners asking Scott Morrison why he won’t meet with them.

WHAT: Students striking from school outside Parliament to call on Scott Morrison to meet with them and take urgent action to #StopAdani & dangerous climate change.

WHERE: Back of Parliament House, corner of Melbourne Avenue and State Circle, Canberra

WHEN: 7:45am Wednesday 5th December

“When Scott Morrison refuses to implement climate policy that keeps fossil fuels in the ground and transition to 100% renewable energy, he isn’t representing us, our community, or the vast majority of Australians who want urgent climate action.” said Veronica Hester, 15 years old, from Morrison’s electorate of Cook.

Media Enquiries: 0427 485 233 or [email protected]

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School Strike 4 Climate Australia acknowledges that we meet, organise and strike on stolen Country, and pay our respects to the countless Traditional Custodians who have cared for this land for tens of thousands of years.

All electoral communications authorised by Cam Walker, Friends of the Earth, Collingwood

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