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Students Kick-Off Friday School Strikes at Shorten’s Office Ahead of Global #ClimateStrike

Regional Victorian Students Strike Outside Labor Leader Bill Shorten’s Office

Calling on Federal Labor to Commit to #StopAdani before the Federal Election

Melbourne, 8th February: School students from Central Victoria, who started the Australian school strike movement, went on strike outside Bill Shorten’s office today (Friday), calling on Federal Labor to commit to #StopAdani by the Federal Election. They are asking Bill Shorten to meet with them to discuss Adani and climate change.


  • Photos here

  • Video here + request from strikers for Bill to meet here

The students plan to strike from school every Friday ahead of the March 15 Global #ClimateStrike which will see school students in 40 countries join with adult supporters to walk out of school and work for the day to demand urgent climate action from their political leaders.


WHAT: Regional Victorian Students kick off rolling Friday school strike ahead of March 15 Global #ClimateStrike, this week outside Bill Shorten’s office to demand Labor commits to #StopAdani by the Federal Election.

WHERE: Bill Shorten MP’s Office, 12 Hall Street Moonee Ponds

WHEN: 11:30-1:30pm TODAY Friday 8th February


“Climate change is here and it’s hurting people now. Coal is the number one cause of climate change. We’re scared of living in a world with harsher and more unstable weather. If politicians care about us and our future, their climate policy must include a plan to #StopAdani and move Australia beyond coal.” said Milou Albrecht, 14 years old, from Castlemaine.

“A Federal Election is coming up and neither of the major parties have a plan to stop the climate emergency which starts with stopping coal projects like Adani.

“As young people, we’re not old enough to vote yet. I’m only 14. So instead we are striking from school to tell our politicians to take the climate crisis seriously. On March 15, tens of thousands of us will strike with our families and communities to show our politicians that we are going to do what it takes to make climate change the most important issue on the agenda.

“Bill Shorten, Scott Morrison and their parties can either listen to us and deal with the climate crisis by stopping Adani, keeping fossil fuels in the ground and powering Australia with 100% renewable energy or they can ignore us and deal with the growing community outrage that we will direct at them until they do,” said Harriet O’Shea Carre, 14 years old from Castlemaine.

For more information about the March 15 Global #ClimateStrike:

Media Enquiries: 0427 485 233 [email protected]

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