Hundreds of thousands expected to strike in Australia, joining millions worldwide Demand no new fossil fuels, 100% renewables, funding for just transition & job creation
On September 20, three days before world leaders meet in New York for the United Nations Emergency Climate Summit, hundreds of thousands of school students and workers will join millions worldwide to down tools as part of the world’s largest #ClimateStrike. In Australia, strikers are calling for Governments to commit to:
No new coal, oil and gas projects, including the Adani mine.
100% renewable energy generation & exports by 2030
Fund a just transition & job creation for all fossil-fuel industry workers & communities.
Students will be joined by workers, First Nations people, parents, unions and more at strikes in every capital city of Australia, dozens of regional towns and centres and every continent on earth.
Australian School Strike 4 Climate Student Organisers said:
“Australia is already on the frontlines of the climate crisis. Our Government should be helping to transform our economy and society in ways that work for people and our planet. But instead, they are helping billionaire companies like Adani open the floodgates to new coal, oil and gas projects, which put all of us in the firing line of more dangerous climate impacts.
“History reminds us that politicians rarely lead. They need people powered movements to push them. By downing tools at a global scale, we’ll show our politicians that all of us want climate justice, because the alternative is unthinkable,
“We’re striking in solidarity with everyone who’s being hurt by the climate crisis already and everyone who will be impacted if we don’t act now: First Nations people, workers, young people, mining communities and more.
“Everyone is invited. Everyone is needed. On March 15, 1.6 million of us went on strike globally. On September 20, we’re going even bigger. If you’re an adult, please take the day off and invite your friends, workmates and families to join us.”
Inspired by Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg, teenagers in regional Victoria kicked off the school strike movement in Australia last October, with 20,000 students striking nationally in November and then 150,000 in March. A larger attendance is expected on September 20 as concern about the climate crisis grows.
Unable to vote at the recent Federal Election, students are not deterred by the outcome, but committed to use the September strike to build a bigger, bolder movement to fight for climate justice.
Students and workers across Australia who are participating in the strike are available for interview.
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